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Knowledge-sharing Session at Management & Science University

29 3 月

What have we been up to? Talking to future practitioners and physicians of Traditional Chinese Medicine!
Thanks to MSU – Management & Science University we got to introduce wildlife trade issues to students taking their course on TCM.
We shared about wildlife parts commonly used in the local TCM industry and how these budding practitioners can help reduce the impact on wild species when they are eventually in a position to make decisions and advise their clients.
The effort is part of a much larger project to sensitise the traditional medicine industry in Malaysia to the impact they have on wildlife and to dissuade them from using or prescribing medicines made from endangered and protected wildlife.
感谢管理与科学大学(Management & Science University)让我们有机会向中医药系的学生们分享有关于野生动植物贸易的课题。
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