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Knowledge-sharing Session at Xiamen University

20 6 月, 2023

What have we been up to? Something exciting! We talked to future Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners and traders about the impact they will have when they eventually enter this industry and how they can play a role in saving species.
Our Programme Officer Leslie Tsen and Serene Chng held a knowledge-sharing session for students at Xiamen University Malaysia, from the TCM Student Union XMUM . Students were introduced to issues in wildlife trade, species that are commonly used in the local TCM industry, the basics of CITES, and the various wildlife laws in Malaysia.
Are you teaching or studying Traditional Chinese Medicine? Then reach out to us if you are interested in collaborating on similar sessions Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) INTI International University & Colleges MSU – Management & Science University 南方大学学院 – Southern University College IIMAT College – School of Science and Technology Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi KEMENTERIAN KESIHATAN MALAYSIA
我们的项目官员 Leslie Tsen 和 Serene Chng 为国家未来的中医师与中药商们(既厦门大学中医系的学生)举办了一项知识分享会。此项分享会向学生们介绍了有关野生动植物物贸易的课题、大马中药行业里常用的物种、CITES 的基础知识以及大马的各种野生动植物法律。此分享会也让学生们意识到了他们在正式踏入中医中药业后所能带来的影响以及他们在保育野生动植物上所能带来的贡献。
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