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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Conference 中医中药座谈会

17 6 月

2024年5月7日,我们与大马传统中医药业的100多名业内人士进行了交流。参会者包括中医师、贸易商、制药商、教职员、大学生等。此外,来自马来西亚半岛野生动物保护与国家公园局(PERHILITAN)、国家药品监管局(NPRA)、传统与辅助医药部门(T&CM Division)及药品执法组(PED)的15位政府机构代表也参加了这次的中医中药座谈会。



On May 7, 2024, we engaged with over 100 individuals from Malaysia’s Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) industry. Participants included TCM practitioners, traders, manufacturers, academics, students, and more! Additionally, 15 government representatives from the Department of Wildlife & National Parks Peninsular Malaysia (PERHILITAN), National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA), Traditional & Complementary Medicine (T&CM) Division, and Pharmacy Enforcement Division (PED) attended the TCM conference.

We thank the Federation of Chinese Physicians and Medicine Dealers Associations of Malaysia (FCPMDAM) and the Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce for Traditional Medicines and Health Products (MCMH) for their valuable support. We also thank the United States Department of State, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, for generously funding this conference.

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